What keeps you up at night? We all worry, especially as parents. Whether it be worrying about our children, our finances, our health, our age, or our marriage/significant relationships, we all worry. The GOOD NEWS is that chronic worrying is a mental habit that can be broken. You can actually train your brain to stay calm and look at life from a more positive perspective. Here are some tips!!
1️⃣ Schedule a time to worry in the morning or midday. Do not schedule your worry time before bed. I suggest starting with 20 minutes. If you need more time at first do not get discouraged! You’ll find yourself needing less and less time to worry as you go.
2️⃣ If you start worrying say the word “stop” out loud (quietly if you are in public or at work) and save the worrying thought on a piece of paper (not circling in your mind) for your worry time
3️⃣ Create a healing ritual you can do before bed to naturally relax your mind and body to prepare for bed (read a book, watch a comedy, practice yoga or stretching, take a bath, have hot tea or warm milk, or take a melatonin supplement once you have your doctor’s permission)
4️⃣ Accept that you can only control your own thoughts and actions and you cannot control anything else or anyone else. Be at peace with this concept as much as you can
5️⃣ Practice mindfulness (meditation, deep breathing, calming techniques, peaceful visualization)
6️⃣ Exercise!!! As much as you might not want to, it will help!! Not only will you get mental benefits and sleep better, you will have physical benefits, too!
7️⃣ Know when to seek professional help. Studies have shown that stress and chronic worrying can make you mentally and physically ill and it makes you strong to seek support when needed. If stress or chronic worry is causing a disturbance in your life, personally and or professionally please consider calling a local therapist or psychologist.
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