When your child is sick I often wonder if it's harder on the parent or the child. Today I had to take my daughter back to the doctor for the second time in two weeks. During the first visit, the pediatrician diagnosed her with a double ear infection and a sinus infection. She went on antibiotics for 10 days and seemed to ... read more
Let’s Talk About: 5 Ways to Save Money for College & Haven’s Place
As parents we want the best for our children and for many of us that typically involves them getting an education after high school. Making the decision to help your child pursue a higher education is the easy part. The hard part is finding a way to save enough money to help them actually go. Tuition rates continue to rise ... read more
Let’s Talk About: Toddler Fashion & Fancy Frogz
My daughter I s very into her fashion these days, but then again what 2 year-old isn't? She not only loves to use her imagination and play dress up but she also loves to pick out her own clothes to wear each day! She loves tutus and everything that has bright colors and patterns, glitter and sparkles. Each and every time ... read more
Let’s Talk About: 10 Tips to Help you Feel Less Overwhelmed by Housework
Are you stressed and overwhelmed by your endless list of chores that need to be done around the house? I know I get that way, especially when I am backlogged on my list and the piles of dishes and laundry keep adding up. Our time and energy is limited so doing housework on top of working, taking care of children, helping ... read more
Let’s Talk About: 6 Steps to Having your Child Comply with your Requests and Behave the Way you Want!
A parent's job is rarely easy. It’s a wonder how we ever accomplish anything at all on such little sleep and with the demands of work, raising children, finances, our relationship with our significant other, and household duties like cleaning and cooking. But each and every day we wake up and we do our best. We feed, bathe, ... read more
Let’s Talk About: 7 Tips to Worry Less
What keeps you up at night? We all worry, especially as parents. Whether it be worrying about our children, our finances, our health, our age, or our marriage/significant relationships, we all worry. The GOOD NEWS is that chronic worrying is a mental habit that can be broken. You can actually train your brain to stay calm ... read more